Key to the Filamentous higher manglicolous fungi
Key to subdivisions of Higher fungi
1. Reproduction by asexual spores only (conidia), produced directly on hyphae or in fruit bodies...Fungi Imperfecti (Deuteromycotina)
2 (1) Spores (called ascospores) are developed inside transparent sacs called asci (sing. ascus) which in all cases are turgid structures, arranged in a continuous layer called the hymenium. At maturity, the ascus, usually containing 8 ascospores, bursts or dissolves to liberate its ascospores...Ascomycotina
2 (1) Spores (called basidiospores) are usually produced in fours on the outside of special cells called basidia, (sing. basidium) which are closely packed in a continuous layer called the hymenium..Basidiomycotina
1. Ascomata without opening (cleistothecial), or with round ostiole (perithecial)..10
2 (1) Ascomata superficial, discoid (apothecial); hymenium exposed..3
2 (1) Ascomata embedded or superficial, not discoid, ostiole cleft-like... 5
3 (2) Ascospores uniseptate....4
3 (2) Ascospores multiseptate..Lecanidion atratum
4 (3) Ascospores with longitudinal striations, ellipsoidal, septum inequilateral,.Dactylospora haliotrepha
4 (3) Ascospores verruculose, cylindrical or allantoid, septum median.Dactylospora mangrovei
5 (2) Ascomata not lirelliform......6
6 (5) Ascomata superficial, navicular or hysterothecial, ascospores with transverse septa only.....7
6 (5) Ascomata immersed; ascospores muriform .....8
7 (6) Ascomata navicular; ascospores hyaline with a mucilaginous sheath...Lophiostoma mangrovei
7 (6) Ascomata hysterothecial, ascospores brown, lacking a mucilaginous sheath...Hysterium sp.
8 (6) Ascospores with 13 or more transverse septa, up to 96 µm long.....Aigialus grandis
8 (6) Ascospores with less than 13 transverse septa, less than 75 µm.....9
9 (8) Ascospores 16-27 µm diam., more than 8 transverse septa....Aigialus parvus
9 (8) Ascospores 10-16 µm diam., less than 8 transverse septa...Aigialus mangrovei
10 (1) Ascospores filiform....11
10 (1) Ascospores not filiform.....17
11 (10) Ascospores curved with a characteristic hook-shape at one end, multiseptate, yellow-yellowish brown, with longitudinal striations..Pedumispora rhizophorae
11 (10) Ascospores with end chambers releasing mucilage or with a mucilaginous cap, non-septate or 1-septate, hyaline, smooth.....12
12 (11) Asci with an apical ring that stains blue in Melzer's reagent, ascospores 1-septate..Oxydothis nypae
12 (11) Asci with or without an apical ring, not staining blue in Melzer's reagent, ascospores non-septate...13
13 (12) Asci without an apical ring; ascospores tapering at both ends into mucilage-containing, cell-like processes.....14
13 (12) Asci with an apical ring, ascospores non-septate, with a mucilaginous cap at one or both ends.....15
14 (13) Ascospores longer than 500 µm....Lulworthia grandispora
14 (13) Ascospores longer than 110 µm but shorter than 500 µm...Lulworthia sp.
15 (13) Ascospores fasciculate, needle-shaped, tapering to a narrow point at the base.....Linocarpon angustatum
15 (13) Ascospores straight or slightly curved or mostly sigmoid.....16
16 (15) Ascospore appendages (mucilage) at both ends of the ascospore, pad-like..Linocarpon bipolaris
16 (15) Ascospore appendages (mucilage) at one end of the ascospore, bell-shaped.....Linocarpon appendiculatum
17 (10) Ascospores non-septate at maturity.....18
17 (10) Ascospores with one septum or more at maturity.....25
18 (10) Ascospores allantoid...19
18 (10) Ascospores subglobose or ellipsoidal....21
19 (18) Numerous ascospores per ascus (polysporous)....Cryptovalsa sp.
19 (18) Eight ascospores per ascus....20
20 (19) Ascospores less than 10 µm in length, brown; ascomata on wood of AvicenniaEutypa bathurstensis
20 (19) Ascospores more than 10 µm in length, pale yellow; ascomata on bark of RhizophoraCryptosphaeria mangrovei
21 (18) Ascospores hyaline..24
21 (18) Ascospores yellow to dark-brown.....22
22 (21) Ascospores dark-brown, with longitudinal germ slits....23
22 (21) Ascospores yellowish to yellowish-brown without a germ slit..Rhizophila marina
23 (22) Ascomata in a stroma, superficial.....Halorosellinia oceanicum
23 (22) Ascomata not in a stroma, immersed.....Anthostomella nypensis
24 (21) Ascospores hyaline, subglobose, without a mucilaginous sheath.....Payosphaeria minuta
24 (21) Ascospores hyaline, ellipsoidal, with a mucilaginous sheath....Frondicola tunitricuspis
25 (17) Ascospores with one septum at maturity.....26
25 (17) Ascospores with more than one septum at maturity....44
26 (25) Ascospores with a dark upper cell and a light-coloured lower cell....27
26 (25) Ascospores concolorous....28
27 (26) Light-coloured lower cell of ascospores is as long as the dark-coloured upper cell.....Zopfiella sp.
27 (26) Light-coloured lower cell of the ascospores is shorter than the dark-coloured upper cell....Zopfiella latipes
28 (26) Ascospores hyaline, light-grayish, yellow or yellowish-brown at maturity...29
28 (26) Ascospores dark-coloured (brown or blackish) at maturity..41
29 (28) Ascospores without appendages....30
29 (28) Ascospores with appendages...36
30 (29) Ascospores apricot-coloured in masses...Swampomyces armeniacus
30 (29) Ascospores hyaline or other light colours in masses...31
31 (30) Ascospores thick-walled...32
31 (30) Ascospores thin-walled...33
32 (31) Ascospores longer than 22 µm...Aniptodera chesapeakensis
32 (31) Ascospores shorter than 22 µm....Aniptodera haispora
33 (31) Ascospores distinctly ridged longitudinally, ascomata orange...Kallichroma tethys
33 (31) Ascospores without longitudinal ridges, ascomata not orange...34
34 (33) Ascospore diameter over 20 µm...Nais glitra
34 (33) Ascospore diameter below 20 µm....35
35 (34) Ascospore diameter over 9 µm, ascomata over 300 µm high....Lignincola tropica
35 (34) Ascospore diameter below 9 µm, ascomata below 300 µm....Lignincola longirostris
36 (29) Ascospores with 1 deciduous apical cap-like appendage...Tirispora sp.
36 (29) Ascospores with 2 appendages, apical or subapical mostly unfurling into long threads....37
37 (36) Appendages subglobose or lenticular, apical....38
37 (36) Appendages hamate, lateral....39
38 (37) Ascospore diameter 18 µm or more....Halosarpheia fibrosa
38 (37) Ascospore diameter below 18 µm....Halosarpheia minuta
39 (37) Ascospores longer than 47 µm....Halosarpheia ratnagiriensis
39 (37) Ascospores 47 µm or shorter....40
40 (39) Ascospore diameter 14-22 µm....Halosarpheia abonnis
40 (39) Ascospore diameter 12-14 µm....Aniptodera mangrovei
41 (28) Ascospores surrounded by a uniform gelatinous sheath, septum asymmetrical....Helicascus nypae
41 (28) Ascospores not surrounded by a gelatinous sheath, septum symmetrical...42
42 (41) Ascospores verrucose to verruculose...Verruculina enalia
42 (41) Ascospores smooth or striate, not verrucose....43
43 (42) Ascospores distinctly striate; on Rhizophora Lineolata rhizophorae
43 (42) Ascospores not striate..Kirschsteiniothelia maritima
44 (25) Ascospores with transverse septa only....45
44 (25) Ascospores muriform....61
45 (44) Ascospores hyaline at maturity....46
45 (44) Ascospores coloured at maturity....55
46 (45) Ascospores without gelatinous sheaths....47
46 (45) Ascospores with gelatinous sheaths...48
47 (46) Asci fissitunicate, thick-walled, without any apical ring...Leptosphaeria australiensis
47 (46) Asci unitunicate, thin-walled, with a subapical plate....Marinosphaera mangrovei
48 (46) Ascospores 6-8-septate, with mucilaginous sheaths that have a drawn out spine and polar extrusions....Carinispora nypae
48 (46) Ascospores less than 6-septate, mucilaginous sheaths different...49
49 (48) Ascospores 5-septate...50
49 (48) Ascospores less than 5 septate...51
50 (49) Ascospores euseptate, above 50 µm, ascomata not under a clypeus....Quintaria lignatilis
50 (49) Ascospores distoseptate, below 28 µm, ascomata under a clypeus....Saccardoella rhizophorae
51 (49) Ascospores distoseptate, apparently bitunicate....Saccardoella marinospora
51 (49) Ascospores euseptate, typical bitunicate...52
52 (51) Ascomata conical, superficial, over 1 mm diam...Ascocratera manglicola
52 (51) Ascomata ± immersed, smaller.....53
53 (52) Ascospores with a mucilaginous sheath having drawn out ends.....Massarina ramunculicola
53 (52) Ascopores with mucilaginous sheaths completely surrounding the spores.....54
54 (53) Ascospores over 45 µm length.....Massarina velatospora
54 (53) Ascospores below 45 µm length....Massarina sp.
55 (45) Ascospores with end cells hyaline or light coloured....56
55 (45) Ascospores concolorous throughout....59
56 (55) Asci typically 2-spored, bitunicate,...Savoryella paucispora
56 (55) Asci 8-spored, unitunicate with a discoid apical thickening....57
57 (56) Ascospore septa appearing as a distinct band and highly guttulate, sometimes with a mucilaginous sheath...Savoryella sp.
57 (56) Ascospore septa not appearing as a distinct band, eguttulate, without a mucilaginous sheath...58
58 (57) Ascospores mostly longer than 36 µm, with a length breadth ratio 4.1:1.0....Savoryella longispora
58 (57) Ascospores mostly shorter than 36 µm, with a length breadth ratio 2.9:1.0....Savoryella lignicola
59 (55) Ascospores with apical cellular appendages....Herpotrichia nypicola
59 (55) Ascospores without apical cellular appendages.....60
60 (59) Ascospores longer than 16 µm, 1-3- septate....Phaeosphaeria orae-maris
60 (59) Ascospores shorter than 16 µm, consistently 3-septate...Leptosphaeria peruviana
61 (44) Ascospores with a simple sheath, less than 40 µm...Julella avicenniae
61 (44) Ascospores without a sheath, longer than 100 µm... Lautospora gigantea
1 Basidioma subglobose, puffball-like, irregularly dehiscing at maturity; basidiospores with 5 filamentous appendages....Nia vibrissa
1 Basidioma cyphelloid, releasing the non-appendaged basidiospores apically as a ball through a wide aperture.....2
2 (1) Basidioma large, gregarious; basidia more than 60 µm long....Calathella mangrovei
2 (1) Basidioma small, solitary; basidia less than 22 µm long...Halocyphina villosa
1 Conidia borne on or in fruit bodies (e.g. pycnidial, acervuli and sporodochia (Ceolomycetes).....2
1 Conidia not produced on or in fruit bodies, but on hyphae (Hyphomycetes)....5
2 (1) Conidia non-septate.....3
2 (1) Conidia multi-septate...Stagonospora sp.
3 (2) Conidia produced endogenously in phialides....Phialophorophoma litoralis
3 (2) Conidia produced exogenously on conidiophores....4
4 (3) Conidia globose.....Phoma sp.
4 (3) Conidia filiform.... Phomopsis sp.
5 (1) Conidiogenous cells thallic....Trimmatostroma sp.
5 (1) Conidiogenous cells blastic...6
6 (5) Conidia 1-celled, often forming long chains that break-up
eventually....Periconia prolifica
6 (5) Conidia 1 to several-septate...7
7 (6) Conidia 1-septate...Trichocladium alopallonellum
7 (6) Conidia multiseptate....8
8 (7) Conidia with transverse septa only...10
8 (7) Conidia muriform.....9
9 (8) Conidia with irregular conglomerate of cells..Monodictys pelagica
9 (8) Conidia seceding from denticles by schizolysis, irregularly helicoid..Helicorhoidion nypicola
10 (8) Conidia more or less straight....11
10 (8) Conidia distinctly coiled or curved (helicoid)...12
11 (10) Conidia pyriform, 1-2-septate, 15-20 x 10-15 µm, occurring on Nypa...Trichocladium nypae
11 (10) Conidia obovoid to pyriform, 1-4-septate, 17-25 x 10-16, occurring on other mangrove hosts....Trichocladium achrasporum
12 (10) Apical cell considerably broader than the basal cell (Cirrenalia)...13
12 (10) Apical cell not conspicuously broader than the basal cell....Zalerion varium
13 (12) Mature conidia black, shiny, fist-shaped, not constricted at the obscured septa.... Cirrenalia pygmea
13 (12) Mature conidia brown, all septa distinct, constricted at septa....14
14 (13) Conidia 6-12-septa, slightly constricted at septa....Cirrenalia tropicalis
14 (13) Conidia less than 6 septa. Apical cell ½ contorted....Cirrenalia basiminuta
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